Participants and Attorneys

S16356   Kelly C. (Mother) v State of Alaska, DHSS, OCS
Participant Role Side Attorney
Kelly C. (Mother) Party Appellant
Bartlett - OPA Contractor, J Adam
1101 W. 7th Ave
Anchorage, AK 99501
(907) 277-0535
State of Alaska, DHSS, OCS Party Appellee
Hattan, Rebecca E.
1031 West Fourth Avenue, Suite 200
Anchorage, AK 99501
(907) 465-3600
J.L. (Father) Party Appellee
Collier, Jeremy
851 E. Westpoint Drive
Wasilla, AK 99645
(907) 357-4500
C.C. Minor Party Appellee Unassigned
Native Village of Diomede Party Appellee Self-represented litigant
Beckwith Jones, Bobbie GAL Unassigned Unassigned